Price of a Nebulizer Machine in Bangladesh
A nebulizer machine is a device that converts liquid medicine into a mist so that it can be inhaled. It is also called a jet nebulizer. This device is used for the treatment of asthma, COPD, cystic fibrosis, and other lung conditions. A nebulizer machine includes a compressor, a container for the medicine, and a tube that connects the two. It works by creating an aerosol or mist of tiny droplets that can be inhaled. Nebulizers are commonly used for the treatment of asthma and other lung conditions.
If you need a nebulizer for home use, the little nebulizer is perfect for you. It is designed to be small and lightweight so it can be taken with you when you travel. The little nebulizer is small enough to fit in your hand and can be easily stored away when not in use. It is also easy to clean and comes with a carrying case.
The Nebulizer Machines are convenient and portable medical devices for those who need to take medication on the go. The Nebulizer Machine is perfect for those who need to take inhalers, or those who have asthma or other lung conditions. The Nebulizer Machine comes with several adapters for the different types of inhalers and masks. It is often less expensive than inhalers, but the price difference may be offset by the need for multiple prescriptions.
Nebulizer Machine এর বিশেষ সুবিধা সমূহ
- এক বছরের অফিশিয়াল ওয়ারেন্টি।
- সহজে ব্যবহার করা যায়।
- বাজেট ফ্রেন্ডলি।
- ওজনে হালকা তাই সহজেই বহন করা যায়।
- দ্রূত কাজ করে এবং কোন সাইড ইফেক্ট নেই।
Others Portable Nebulizer
Nebulizer Machine
Nebulizer Machine
Nebulizer Machine
Techno Health
House-42, Lake Drive Road
Sector-07, Uttara, Dhaka-1230
Cell No: 01842756014
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