Transcranial magnetic encephalopathy physiologic therapeutic apparatus (hereinafter referred to as therapeutic apparatus) is a kind of repetitive (rTMS) comprehensive encephalopathy therapeutic apparatus for the treatment of brain diseases, which is based on brain physiology, biophysics, magnetic biology and clinical encephalopathy therapy by using low frequency frequency alternating electromagnetic therapy technology

2. Digital tube display window
3. The output of the therapeutic instrument stops after treatment, and there will be a peak alarm sound
1. Patients with serious heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, and blood disease.
2. People with bleeding or bleeding tendency.
3. Patients with active tuberculosis.
4, high fever patients.
5. People with cardiac pacemakers are prohibited.
6. The lower abdomen of pregnant women.
7, the body is extremely weak.
8, the discomfort reaction is serious, and can not tolerate
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